Admission Requirements

requirements 3

Language requirements

As the language of instruction at the Udmurt State University is Russian, international applicants are required to have at least B1 level of the Russian language competence to be successfully enrolled in a programme. The Russian proficiency is evaluated through the Russian entrance examination where applicants are to score a minimum of 40 out of 100 points

For those applicants whose Russian level is below B1 UdSU offers its Russian as a Foreign Language courses on different levels as well as 5 different tracks of Pre-University courses.

Entrance examinations

All international applicants are required to take entrance examinations (written and/or oral) except for those recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The admission is granted if the applicant passes the exams successfully.

Those applying for a bachelor degree program take 3 entrance examinations: Russian and 2 two examinations in the chosen study field.

Those applying for a master degree take a complex examination in the major, Russian test and/or an interview (in Russian!)

To be admitted into the Post-Graduate school students have to take English examination and an oral examination in their major.

IMPORTANT! To be admitted to the Bachelor programs in arts, design, sports and journalism you have to pass entrance testing to prove the required skills level.