Social Sciences

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Social, Economic, Educational, and Cultural Processes in Urban and Rural Environment

Group leader: Associate Prof. Tatiana A. Vlasova, Dept. of Sociology


Research abstract: The current economic situation in Russia is associated with the formation of deficits in the federal and regional budgets, which leads to the need to search for additional sources of financing for the development of territories. Representatives of regional and local authorities consider tourism to be one of the possible sources of raising additional funds in the post-industrial economy. At the same time, it remains unclear how the implementation of cultural and tourism projects affects the lives of people living in the village.

The processes in modern Russia, as well as typologically similar phenomena in the countries of Eastern Europe (Poland), were studied. In particular, within the framework of the RFBR project, it was found that the interaction of cultural institutions with municipal and regional governments plays a decisive role in the successful implementation of ethnocultural projects in rural areas. Research materials in the Udmurt Republic show that, given the current trends in regional policies in the field of culture and tourism, as well as the organizational subordination of specialized institutions and firms to various departments, targeted coordination of the activities of state and municipal authorities on the development of the tourism industry is required. A general assessment of the development of rural settlements infrastructure shows that the key elements for attracting and retaining the tourist flow of infrastructure remain undeveloped or are perceived by residents as problematic. The results of the survey suggest that the villagers do not see opportunities for the "commercialization" of the tourist flow in their own economic interests. The relatively positive experience of interacting with tourists leads to the fact that residents of the settlements as a whole tend to positively perceive financial investments in the tourist infrastructure of the village and the development of interest in Udmurt culture. At the same time, respondents expressed concerns about the theatricalization of Udmurt rites and holidays, the formal nature of their reproduction for tourists, and the loss of knowledge about some elements of the Udmurt culture.

Partners: South Dakota University, Brookings, SD (USA)

Key publications


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Archeology, History and Culture of the People of the Eastern and Western Ural Region

Group leader: Prof. Rimma D. Goldina, Dept. of Udmurt History, Archeology and Ethnology


Research abstract: The scientific archaeological school of R. D. Goldina arose and is developing in the process of studying the multifaceted topic “Ancient and medieval history of the Urals”. It is based on ideas and concepts about the ethnic and cultural genesis of the Finno-Perm peoples of the Urals, developed and justified by R.D. Goldina and her students for over 35 years. The study of cultural, historical and ethnogenetic processes in the region is successfully supplemented by solving the problems of interaction between ancient and medieval societies, studying the technical, technological, semantic, morphological, typological, social characteristics of archaeological material. The complexity and diversity of these aspects of the ancient and medieval history of the Urals led to the emergence of historical, scientific and historiographic directions in their study.

Key results:

  • multifaceted field studies of the historical, cultural, archaeological heritage of the peoples of Prikamye;
  • a significant body of archaeological and historical sources has been formed according to the ancient and medieval history of Prikamye;
  • a modern chronology of Prikamsky antiquities of the VI century BC - XV century AD was developed;
  • the concept of historical development of the ancient Perm peoples of the Urals in antiquity and the Middle Ages according to archaeological sources is presented; -developed various aspects of the interaction of the peoples of Prikamye in conditions of a great migration of peoples; -the author's development is presented in certain areas of life of the traditional societies of Prikamye, and in the history of archaeological studies of the Urals.
  • key aspects of history, historiography of regional archeology investigated.

Results application in the humanities sector: history, archeology, ethnology, local history; Russian and world Finno-Ugric studies; system of university humanitarian education; museum, educational, tourist spheres.

The research group carries out archaeological research on the basis of contractual agreements with administrative entities: rescue excavations, historical and cultural examinations, determining the boundaries of the territories of archaeological heritage sites and the recreational potential of specially protected natural territories.

Key publications


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Systemic Mental-and-Action Approach in Forensics

Group leader: Prof. Marat K. Kaminskiy, Senior Expert, Academic Forensic Laboratory


Research abstract: Main research area: methodology and theory of forensics.

Research focus: investigation of the structures of forensic systems.

The definition of the problem to be solved: any forensic system is characterized not only from the procedural side and from the side of the structure, but also from the side of the structure, which should be presented by revealing the law of ordering of elements within a particular composition of elements. The identification of structures should allow for a new approach to solving an important practical problem, namely, the identification of criminal activity, when there are a number of committed crimes of the same type, as well as in solving identification problems in handwriting and speech examination, as well as in establishing a relationship between of patterns of papillary lines.

Research objectives: identification of the content and structure of criminal activity and Crime Detection and Investigation Activities, which will solve such practical problems as identification of criminal activity in serial crimes, establishing the characteristics of the individual according to the structure of his actions.

Methods for solving the problems of scientific research: construction of theoretical models of activity structures and their empirical concretization.

Expected results: research will allow to combine criminal cases in a series of crimes of the same type, identify the performer (s), and thereby prevent new crimes.

Key publications


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Development of Tourism Industry in the Udmurt Republic in the Context of Social, Cultural and Economic Processes

Group leader: Prof. Galina V. Merzlyakova, Rector, Udmurt State University


Research abstract: Research is devoted to socio-political and cultural processes in the Udmurt Republic. The scientific interests of the team are diverse - the problems of the image of the political system, PR and civil society, problems of political leadership, political consulting, social problems of youth, the hotel industry, the history of tourism and book publishing, ethnographic and ecological tourism. Research areas cover the following educational programs: 07.00.02 - Domestic history; 07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology; 24.00.01 - Theory and history of culture.

The research yielded successful defense of doctoral and master's theses, publication of monographs, educational and teaching aids, articles in scientific periodicals, including publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.

Scientific interests of the research group include: • Youth movement and youth policy in the Udmurt Republic; • Cultural, educational and propaganda activities in the Udmurt Republic: historical aspect; • Problems of tourism development in Udmurtia: cultural and historical aspect.

With the support of the Ministry of UR for Youth Affairs, the Interregional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel in the Field of State Youth Policy is fruitfully functioning on the basis of the UdSU Institute of Social Communications. This Center is the only Federal platform in the Volga Federal District that carries out research activities in the field of State Youth Policy. It implements 8 continuing education programs for specialists working with youth. Among other areas of activity - a professional retraining program "Workers in the field of state youth policy" is being implemented.

Key publications


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Social ontology in the constructive- hermeneutic aspect

Group leader: Prof. Olga N. Bushmakina, Institute of History and Sociology


Research abstract: The research direction “Social ontology in the constructive- hermeneutic aspect” is based on the notion that social reality exists and is presented in language constructs that form the field of social discursivity. Social being is structured within the boundaries of the field of social discursiveness, embodying social subjectivity, which is self-determined at the limit of meaning, reaching fullness on the border. At the point of the limit, the social being is co-existing, c-thought is presented as self-reversal of thinking or self-determination of subjectivity in the “point of view” of the researcher as a self-reflecting social subject that is present in the unfolding system of knowledge as the basic principle of research (subject-object identity method).

The appeal to ontology is determined by the requirement of a holistic approach, which guarantees the preservation of the meaning of social subjectivity.

The method of subject-object identity allows us to constitute the co-existence of being of social thinking at the point of its self-determination. Here, the boundary point as the limit point allows us to translate the method of subject-object identity of classical philosophy (F. Schelling) into the hermeneutic method of “o-limitation” (M. Heidegger) and the postmodern method of radicalization (J. Derrida). The indefiniteness of infinite being is capable of self-determination in the structures of finiteness and certainty.

Application of the method preserves the meaning of social being as a whole capable of self-determination at the border.

Key publications


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Innovative Education Modelling in Unsteady Cultural and Technological Environment

Group leader: Prof. Vladimir P. Ovechkin, Dept. of theory and Methodology of Technological and Professional Education


Research abstract: Main areas of research include:

• The subject of sustainable development in the modern cultural and technological environment. • Methodology and theory of innovative education. • The methodological foundations of technological education, the concept of designing its content and the formation of the conceptual apparatus in a changing cultural and technological environment. • Didactic conditions for the formation of technological culture of students in a multicultural environment. • Problems of development of professional pedagogical culture and teacher competence. • Conditions for the development of information culture of students. • Development of technology for project activities and the study of the conditions for sustainable development of the living environment. • Problems of designing technologies and teaching aids. • The methodology for designing the main educational program of higher professional education in a changing sociocultural environment. • Study of the problems of self-education of students and the development of technology for the preparation of the subject of sustainable development. • Determination of didactic conditions for increasing students' motivation to learn in the process of innovation. • The development of technology of specialized training and the optimization of the process of professional self-determination of students. • Methodology for the implementation of the research and design approach in the preparation of students. • Conditions for the development of entrepreneurial abilities of pupils and students. • Justification and conditions for the implementation of the tender approach in technological education of pupils and students. • Fractal analysis of synergistic effects of innovative education in modern socio-economic conditions. • Qualimetric assessment of graduate qualification work in a university. • Development and implementation in educational practice of innovative forms and tech-nologies of adult education, including use of video, multimedia and modern telecommu-nications.

Key publications


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Psychology of Stress Tolerance, Adjustment and Identity Safety

Group leader: Prof. Aleksandr A. Baranov, Dean (Director), Institute of Pedagogics, Psychology and Social Technologies


Research abstract: A developing society needs modernly educated people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

A Russian citizen - a graduate of a higher school - is a highly educated, highly moral, healthy, spiritually and physically young man, with a well-formed professional, psychological and strong-willed readiness for patriotic and safe behavior, possessing practical skills in various, difficult life and extreme situations. All these qualities conceptually determine the basic characteristics of a safe type personality.

A person of a safe type is a person who is safe for others (a highly educated, highly moral, spiritually and physically healthy person), and, in addition, a person who knows how to protect himself and others (a person who has a strong-willed readiness for civic, patriotic behavior and behavior skills in complex life situations).

In modern conditions, the problem of ensuring security and anti-terrorism protection in educational institutions remains relevant. Its solution is possible only by applying an integrated approach that combines the basic measures to ensure the safety of the educational environment, measures to develop a common culture in the field of personal life safety, training in safe behavior in various dangerous and emergency situations of a natural, technogenic and social nature.

First of all, we consider security as a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats. The main objects of national security include: a person (his rights, freedoms and health); society (its material and spiritual values); state (its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity). Purpose: improving the socio-pedagogical system that ensures the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of the education and life of a person based on the subject-forming environment and the integrated (social, psychological, technological, environmental) safety of the participants in the educational process.

Main results of the research: • A theoretical model of personality stress tolerance has been developed and conceptually substantiated. • The psychological mechanisms and ways of formation of stress resistance of a person are determined depending on the level of professional competence and exposure to stressogens of labor activity. • The general (universal) and special (specific) in the process of ensuring stress tolerance of teachers of different successes and psychological types of stress-resistant workers of the educational system. • The psychological mechanisms of the formation of various psychological types of stress-unstable subject are shown, which impede his professional and personal development. • The place and role of personal and operational-activity resources in the process of countering professional stress of a person with different coping potentials are determined. • A differential diagnostic and correctional program has been developed and justified to increase the sustainability of subjects of pedagogical activity to professional stress and burnout, which allows to outline and implement typologically oriented ways to increase the individual's resistance to the destructive effects of stress factors of the educational process.

Partners: Universities in Helsinki, Turku, Yunsue (Finland), University of Manchester, University of Central Llanlashire, Preston (UK), University of Central Florida, Orlando, University of Texas, Nakogdoches, University of Utah (USA).

Key publications
