
A garden carried in the pocket

A garden carried in the pocket

Today, on April 23, the world celebrates the International Book Day. Take our warm greetings and celebrate with us by joining the annual All-Russian movement “Biblionoch” (Library NIght). Every year a day is chosen in April when libraries, bookstores, literary museums and art centers work extended hours and offer great variety of activities. Biblionoch movement started ten years ago pursues the goal of promoting reading, libraries and book business in Russia. This year’s Biblionoch theme is “A book is your way to stars”.

The Udmurt State University boasts its huge and modern library which houses the largest collection of books in the Udmurt Republic – both printed and electronic. Today, the library will not close its doors after 6 p.m., but will be inviting everybody – from university community to general public, from students to kindergarten children - to join in mysterious quests, intellectual games, popular-science lectures, fantasy-writing workshops, unconventional concerts, playing board games and so on.

Furthermore, Biblionoch at UdSU library will introduce the guests to the ‘cosmic’ topic of ROBOTS: Aleksandr Kilin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, will present working robot models developed in the UdSU research laboratory.

If you cannot attend in person, you have an opportunity to join the online lecture of the Crimean observatory astronomer “How to discover an asteroid”. You will learn that actually you do not need to have access to titanic 4 to 10 meter modern telescopes if you want to discover a new object in space. You are welcome to join the library YouTube channel to listen to the lecture.

See attached the Biblionoch program and see you tonight in UdSU library!

PDFBiblionoch 2021 program

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