
A solemn event dedicated to the Day of Russian Science took place at the House of Peoples' Friendship of Udmurt Republic

Today, a solemn event dedicated to the Day of Russian Science and the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences took place at the House of Friendship of Peoples of Udmurt Republic.

Welcoming words were delivered by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Udmurt Republic Tatyana Churakova, Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Urals Tatyana Ishmatova and Minister of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic Svetlana Bolotnikova.

At the event, university scientists were awarded honorary titles and certificates:

Kolesova Svetlana, director of the Institute of Oil and Gas named after. M.S. Gutserieva – Honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Udmurt Republic”

Cherenkov Ivan, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology, Cell Biology and Biotechnology – Honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Udmurt Republic”

Svetlana Radygina, Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Entrepreneurship – Certificate of Honor of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic

Merzlyakova Dina, Head of the Department of Life Safety – Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Udmurt Republic

From the Udmurt State University, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and Strategic Development Programs Alexander Makarov made a report on the UdSU scientific schools, which have a long history and rich traditions of cooperation with the enterprises of the Republic.

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