
Call for Papers: International Conference “Modern philosophical contexts: ratio principle and its limits”

Call for Papers: International Conference “Modern philosophical contexts: ratio principle and its limits”

Between February 28 and 29 Izhevsk hosts the International Scientific Conference “Modern philosophical contexts: ratio principle and its limits”.

Aims of the Conference: Reinterpretation of the ratio limits in socio-humanitarian, natural-science, and mathematic perception.

Being the center of the sphere of knowledge, ratio principle reveals the infinite number of opinions, and their dialogue lets philosophical and scientific traditions exist and develop.

Modern critical state of scientific type of rationalism, the most of artistic, social and political discourses and practices revolves their common philosophical source in the light of its ontological and epistemological explication.

The philosophical thought becomes free on the edge of its existence, and its infinite denomination, problematization, and conceptualization always highlights new prospects, meanings and horizons of the ratio.

Sectors of the conference: Section 1: Ratio framework: “concept”, “model”, “construct”.

Section 2: Ratio principle in history, culture, and civilization.

Section 3: Contiguousness of philosophy and science: “physis” and “mathéma”.

Section 4: Transformation of meanings in socio-humanitarian perception.

Section 5: Borders of ratio in ethics, politics, and law.

The youth forum “Socio-humanitarian researches in the modern context”.

Round-table conference “Truth is perspective” (Slavoj Žižek) dedicated to the philosophical interpretations of the classical and quantum image of the world as a whole.

Working languages of the conference: Russian, Bulgarian, English.

Participation options:

  1. Intramural participation: an oral presentation in one of the sections , an opportunity to take part in other sections as a listener and in the round-table conference as a listener or a speaker (after approvement of the organizing committee). Moreover, you just can enjoy the real-life conversation with the members of the organizing committee and other participants.

  2. Extramural participation: gives an access to printed materials, audio and video of the conference. After any of these forms of participation your article can be published in the collection of papers, which will be included in the Russian Science Citation Index.

How to apply:

Send filled-out application form - you can find it here

For further information:

DOCX000265-Информационное письмо ФИКОС-2020 DOCX000263-Call for papers FIKOS-2020 DOCX000264-Информационния бюлетин ФИКОС-2020

Organization Committee: Udmurt State University, the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Udmurt branch of URAN, the Institute of Social Research and Development of Cultural structures (Bulgaria), Udmurt Social Organization “Alliance of Scientific and Engineering Social Departments”.

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