
Experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language presented at the International Educational Salon

Russia in Scientific and Cultural Dialogue

Within International Educational Salon* on December 8-9, 2020 a few events targeted at presenting the experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language were held.

On December 8 a problem-targeted webinar "Intensive and interactive teaching methods in RSL classes" attracted over 120 participants. At the webinar 3 reports were made by professors of the Department of Russian Language, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of Udmurt State University. The event is reported successful by the participants and they thanked the teachers of the Russian language course for interesting and informative presentations, noted their relevance, expressed gratitude for the useful recommendations on effective teaching and learning techniques. This event is significant both for the Department of the Russian Language, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, and for the Udmurt State University as a whole. Such meetings, despite the online format (and perhaps thanks to it), make it possible to establish contacts with teachers who are interested in further cooperation.

On December 9 an online presentation of educational programs for basic and additional education on teaching Russian as a foreign language in Russian universities was held. The event featured 10 educational programs for undergraduate and graduate programs of the Far Eastern Federal University, Amur State University, South Ural State University, Perm State National Research University, Udmurt State University, Vyatka State University, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin. The presentations were very informative and, of course, useful for those who plan to open educational programs in Russian as a foreign language or improve existing ones in accordance with the requirements of the new federal standard.

*Implemented within the framework of grant support for the departmental target program of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Scientific, methodological and staff support for teaching of the Russian language and the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation" of the subprogram "Improving of the education system management" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education".

Интенсивные и интерактивные методики обучения на уроках РКИ 1 Интенсивные и интерактивные методики обучения на уроках РКИ 2 Интенсивные и интерактивные методики обучения на уроках РКИ 3 Интенсивные и интерактивные методики обучения на уроках РКИ 4

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