
Finno-Ugric Studies and the Teaching of the Finno-Ugric Languages of Russia were discussed at the International Educational Salon "Russia in Scientific and Cultural Dialogue"

Russia in Scientific and Cultural Dialogue

On December 7–8, 2020, within the framework of the International Educational Salon*, a number of events were held aimed at discussing the current state of Finno-Ugric studies, research and teaching of the Finno-Ugric languages of the Russian Federation. Scientists, teachers, doctoral students, students from Finland, Hungary, Estonia, Austria, Slovakia, Sweden and different regions of Russia took an active part in the webinars.

The problem-targeted webinar "Studying the Finno-Ugric languages in Russia and abroad" was mainly devoted to the issues of teaching the Udmurt language in universities in Finland and Hungary in the synchronous and diachronous aspects. The speakers of the Panel Discussion "Modern Scientific Research in the Field of Finno-Ugric Studies" presented the results of their scientific research to the general public, which aroused genuine interest: the subject of the study of individual reports caused a lively discussion, scientific polemics, where the opinions of representatives of different schools and directions were voiced.

In addition, at the Salon educational programs in the field of Finno-Ugric studies were also presented to the international audience, opportunities for studying and researching the Uralic languages were presented; speakers from various educational institutions, universities, schools and scientific institutions presented the rich experience of conducting short-term and long-term courses, shared their best practices, revealed the secrets of unique teaching methodologies, discussed the features of distance teaching, noted world trends in the development of fundamental science and teaching methods languages of the Finno-Ugric peoples.

All the reports aroused keen interest among the participants, speakers and listeners thanked the organizers of the Salon for the opportunity to participate in the webinars, noted the high level of organization of the events, and expressed hope for continued cooperation both remotely and live communication within conferences, seminars, forums.

*Implemented within the framework of grant support for the departmental target program of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Scientific, methodological, methodological and staffing support for teaching the Russian language and the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation" subprogram "Improving the management of the education system" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of education".

Изучение финно-угорских языков в России и за рубежом 1 Изучение финно-угорских языков в России и за рубежом 2 Изучение финно-угорских языков в России и за рубежом 3 Изучение финно-угорских языков в России и за рубежом 4 Изучение финно-угорских языков в России и за рубежом 5

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