
International Applied Research Conference “Blockchain Technologies 2021”

International Applied Research Conference “Blockchain Technologies 2021”

International Applied Research Conference “Blockchain Technologies 2021”

On February 5th and 6th, 2021, the Udmurt State University will be hosting the International Applied Research Conference “Blockchain Technologies 2021”. This is a joint project of our university and the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Udmurt Republic.

The conference targets IT-specialists and aims to extend their knowledge of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Decentralized Systems. Another conference goal is to establish relations between world blockchain industry experts and local IT-professionals so that together they could address the real economy problems by means of cross-cutting technologies.

At present most businesses are focused on their narrow area of expertise. The developers in the blockchain industry, in their turn, deal solely with this technology. The conference is meant as a platform for connecting the blockchain industry with other sectors.

Thus, the organizers encourage the participation of Russian DLT and decentralized systems developers, experts from successful Russian and world blockchain projects, the representatives of IT and other industrial sectors of the UR, as well as IT-students and teaching staff from local universities.

Tracks and topics

General issues: distributed ledgers, blockchain and decentralized systems;

Current issues and tasks in the research of decentralized systems and blockchain development: cryptography, consensus, technologies for development and execution of decentralized applications and smart-contracts, etc.;

Blockchain platforms and entry points into blockchain development for IT-specialists;

Blockchain projects, solutions for decentralized systems, and sector-specific cases of blockchain application (fintech, education, logistics, production, document flow, etc.).

Conference web page

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