
Join Presentation of Educational Programs of the UdSU Center for International Education online!

Приглашаем на презентацию образовательных программ Центра международного образования УдГУ Udmurt State University invites everyone who is interested in studying the Russian language or is planning to study in Russia to join the online upcoming event "Presentation of Educational Programs of the UdSU Center for International Education" that will be held on December 7, 2020 at 15:30 (Moscow time).

The event is a part of the International Educational Salon under the project "Russia in Scientific and Cultural Dialogue".

The participants will meet graduates of the UdSU language programs, language teachers and will be presented useful teaching materials and platforms, Russian language programs, including Summer Schools - 2021.

As a bonus, we will present a video blog run by UdSU Associate professor and teacher of Russian as a foreign language Elena Tuktangulova "Let’s crack Russian!" The blog aims to popularize Russian as a native and foreign language; it consists of videos lasting 3-3.5 minutes and includes short, but capacious in content, interesting and useful facts about the Russian language and cultural linguistics.

Participation in the event is free. All participants of the event will awarded by an electronic certificate.

A link to the Zoom conference will be provided based on registration. The registration form is available at dialog2020.fi/en.

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июль 2024 Calendar
