
Read and separate!

This weekend the traditional annual book festival “Go read, Izhevsk!” was once again held in our city. It attracted many people of different walks of life, ages and occupations. Every attendee could join one of the workshops, interview the guest writers, familiarize themselves with the range of books presented by various publishing houses.

The Udmurt State University made a notable contribution into the Festival. One of the most conspicuous tents hosted the volunteers of the ‘Say Yes! to waste separation’ League. Their mission was, as usual, to tell the audience about environmentally-friendly lifestyle. The workshop and the game on this topic got attention of around 250 visitors, the most engaged of them being children and teenagers.

Olga Druzhakina, the League’s leader, pointed out: ‘Ecology is not just about rules. First and foremost, it is about culture and mindset. Waste separation has to be taught similar to, let’s say, table manners. A certain behavior has to be hard-wired into people’s brains.’

In their daily lives the League’s volunteers monitor the state of green containers for separate collection of waste installed in UdSU campus buildings, analyze the effectiveness and report the results in the VK social network. So far, the experiment has proved that separate collection of waste is very useful and not that hard. The more people joins this initiative today, the sooner we will arrive at new level of conscience and living standards.

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