
The International Scientific Forum "Russia in Scientific and Cultural Dialogue" begins at UdSU

The International Scientific Forum "Russia in Scientific and Cultural Dialogue" begins at UdSU

Udmurt State University invites you to join the International Scientific Forum "Russia in Scientific and Cultural Dialogue" * on December 3-4, 2020.

As part of the Forum, the following online events will be held:

  • December 3, 2020 International Symposium "Dialects and history of the Perm languages ​​in interaction with other languages";
  • December 4, 2020 International seminar "Youth and Science of the XXI century".

The Forum is aimed at developing a practice-oriented dialogue between representatives of the sphere of science and education of the Russian Federation and foreign states.

The symposium and seminar will highlight the results of scientific-theoretical and practice-oriented research by foreign and Russian scientists in the field of Finno-Ugric studies, will present pedagogical technologies for teaching national languages, as well as scientific research of young researchers.

Scientists and teachers from educational organizations of Russia, Hungary, Finland, Estonia, Slovakia will take part in scientific conferences as speakers. Everyone who is interested in the declared topic is invited to participate in the events. The forum program and connection links can be found at dialog2020.hu/ru.

  • The Forum is held with the grant support of the Ministry of Education of Russia within the framework of the target departmental target program "Scientific, methodological, methodological and staffing support for teaching the Russian language and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation" subprogram "Improving the management of the education system" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education"

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