
The UdSU Rector Meets with the Representative of the Manchester Metropolitan University

The UdSU Rector Meets with the Representative of the Manchester Metropolitan University

On May 16, 2019 the UdSU rector, Professor Galina V. Merzlyakova met with the Senior lecturer of the Department of History, Politics & Philosophyof the Manchester Metropolitan University Catherine Danks. The key issue of the meeting was to discuss the prospects for further cooperation between UdSU and the Manchester Metropolitan University. Partnership between universities began in the mid -1990s. with the implementation of joint projects under the program TEMPUS. Both the parties agreed that at the present stage of cooperation, joint research and educational projects using remote and IT technologies in the areas of mutual interest may become the most promising. In particular, the universities are interested to consider implementation ofsuch projects as joint online courses for students of the Department of History, Politics and Philosophy of the Manchester Metropolitan University and of the UdSU Institute of History and Sociology, a joint student project dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the World War II, and creation of joint research groups. It is decided that the parties will draw up an action plan for the implementation of these and other forms of cooperation for the near future. During the visit, May 16-17, Katerina Danks will deliver lectures in English for students and teachers of UdSU. Topics of speeches are presented by the link

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