
The video conference with Spanish Base in Antarctica

The video conference with Spanish Base in Antarctica

Last Thursday, on March 21st, students of Udmurt State University had a unique opportunity to attend a video conference with one of the Spanish Bases in Antarctica, the Gabriel de Castilla base, on Deception Island that is about 100 km away from the continent. Managed by the Land Force of the Army, this base is inhabited by approximately 30 people who are mainly military people and scientists. Their mission on the Antarctica is to conduct logistic and scientific activities.

The video conference, held in Spanish, was organized by the UdSU international lecturer from Spain (University of Granada) – María Victoria Macías Moreno, who teaches Spanish at our university under the bilateral staff exchange programme.

Students took a virtual tour around the Base, to know its facilities and how the day-to-day activities develop. They also had the chance to see the island and the animals living there: penguins, sea lions, seals and even whales.

Also they had the opportunity to ask several questions to the Chief of the Base and to the only woman on the Base who carries out her scientific work on the activity of the volcano. They explained that the biggest risk they were facing was not the extreme temperatures, but the volcanic activity on the island.

It was a pleasant and interesting talk that made us feel very close despite the distance between us”, resumed María Victoria Macías Moreno at the end of the conference.

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