
UDSU Rector’s congratulations on the International Students’ Day

UDSU Rector’s congratulations on the International Students’ Day.

Udmurt State University considers International Students’ Day to be its holiday - students from 44 countries study here.

The memory of the student fraternity and student years remains with us for the rest of our lives. It is at this stage of life — while studying at the university — that the most daring ideas are born, amazing opportunities open up, the strongest friendship is established, the foundation of professional achievements and personal success is laid!

UdSU strives to assist its students in all the above. For instance, at the beginning of this academic year, the Russian-Uzbek Scientific, Educational and Cultural Center was solemnly opened at UdSU. The university needs it to interact with universities and schools in Uzbekistan and expand options for cooperation. For two years UdSU has been working in the Priority 2030 program, where the topic of youth policy finds its support. UdSU students have the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial skills - the university received a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the Accelerator in the field of youth entrepreneurship and a grant for the creation of "Entrepreneurial Boiling Points" that will enhance work with university start-ups, mentoring and tracking student projects. In September, the university opened the Competence Assessment Center where students have an opportunity to check their level of soft skills, build individual development paths, improve competencies and receive preferences when entering the labor market.

Rector of UdSU Galina Merzlyakova congratulates students and their mentors and academic staff on this wonderful holiday, “Thanks to you, Russia is moving forward, making scientific and technological breakthroughs. Wishing you success in your studies and in your future life. Thanks to students and youth, Russia always remains young, youthful and looking to the future! Don't miss this golden student time! Wishing you a happy holiday!”


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