
UdSU Has Launched an Electronic Educational Platform for Studying the Udmurt Language

One of the missions of the Udmurt State University is to study, preserve and promote the Udmurt State University. Our university offers degree programmes for those who are interested in this language and would like to devote their lives to teaching the language to younger generations.

Being a part of the Priority 2030 programme that is run by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, UdSU implements a strategic project aimed at preservation and development of the Udmurt language and traditional culture, increasing the attractiveness of Udmurtia in the global cultural and economic space.

One of the outcomes of the strategic project “Udmurtia in the Global Cultural Space” is the development and launch of the website that presents educational and developmental didactic games for students of secondary vocational education, universities and everyone who wants to start learning the Udmurt language on their own. The website “Electronic World of the Udmurt Language” is available at the following link: udmobr.udsu.ru.

“We hope that the educational games we have created will be useful in teaching and serve as didactic material in classes in educational institutions. We recommend using educational games as generalizing and evaluative material, and development games as introductory material,” said the authors of the project.

UdSU Has Launched an Electronic Educational Platform for Studying the Udmurt Language 1 UdSU Has Launched an Electronic Educational Platform for Studying the Udmurt Language 2

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