
UdSU on its way to get greener

On April 27 Rector Galina V. Merzlyakova, Vice-Rector for Research and Strategic Development Aleksandr M, Makarov, and Director of Engineering Centre Andrei G. Kovalchuk attended the online-meeting to discuss the establishment of research and education consortium “Advanced Eco-Technologies”. The first meeting dedicated to this issue gathered the representatives of several Russian educational and research institutions as well as businesses.

The idea of the consortium was put forward by the Federal conservation operator “Rosatom” and Russian Chemical-Technological University n.a. Mendeleev in the framework of the “Ecology” national project. Some of the goals pursued by building such consortium include:

  • defining the most important areas of technological and scientific development for solving ecological problems, analyzing the achievements of Russian and overseas scientists in this field, preparing recommendations for their application;
  • development and implementation of innovative projects aimed at environmentally-friendly industrial waste processing;
  • professional training of staff working in conservation field, dissemination of ecological knowledge.

It should be noted that the Udmurt State University has been actively contributing to the implementation of the “Ecology” national project lately. Thus, UdSU launched its own project “Say YES! to the separate collection of waste” which was supported by the Presidential Grants Funding. In November 2019 20 volunteers received training in separate waste management and ways of its promotion. In February this year two campaigns were organized: first one to collect the recyclable paper and another to equip UdSU campus buildings with containers for waste batteries collection.

On April 11 and 13 the “Say YES! to the separate collection of waste” project got into the next phase: 10 two-section containers were installed in the 4th and 6th campus buildings and 2 separate waste dumpsters were fitted outdoors. Another all-Russian campaign dedicated to the collection of bottle caps started on April 22 to celebrate the Earth’s Day and allows not just to contribute to conservation efforts by reducing the amount of waste but also helps physically challenged children.

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