
UdSU visited by the Consul General of Turkmenistan

UdSU visited by the Consul General of Turkmenistan

On December 2, the Rector of the Udmurt State University, Galina Vitalievna Merzlyakova, met with the Consul General of Turkmenistan in Kazan, Atadurdy Khaldurdyevich Bayramov.

On the part of the Udmurt Republic the meeting was attended by M.M. Kibardin - the Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Affairs, M.I. Beznosova - Head of International and Public Relations Office, E.S. Gorbunova - Director of the Center for International Education , D.A. Ryabov - International Relations Advisor to the Head of the Udmurt Republic, and S.Y. Grechkina - Deputy Head of the Department of International Relations within UR Government . The Republic of Turkmenistan was represented by the Consul General and his assistant A.M. Rakhimova.

The meeting was held with the aim of strengthening cooperation in the field of education. A number of burning issues related to the training of Turkmen students were discussed. Presently, 42 citizens of Turkmenistan are doing bachelor and master programs at our university. During the talks, the Consul General put forward a proposal to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation - a document that would allow transferring relations between UdSU and universities of the Republic of Turkmenistan to a new quality level. An agreement was reached on each of the issues brought up for discussion. G.V. Merzlyakova stressed that the Udmurt State University is interested in recruiting a larger number of Turkmen students, providing training for highly qualified specialists in demand in the labor market of Turkmenistan, as well as implementing joint educational programs.

The meeting ended with a photo session, A.Kh. Bayramov left his entry in the Book of Honorary Guests of UdSU. After the reception, the Consul met with the Turkmen students.

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