
Vth International Online-Conference

Between October 28 and 29, 2019 in the framework of VI International Week at UdSU the Vth International Online-Conference “Strategies of Multicultural Education on the Back of Global Education: Practices and Prospects” was held.

The conference was one of the events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the UdSU partnership with the Keimyung University (Republic of Korea), University of Szeged (Hungary), University of Granada (Spain), University of Helsinki (Finland) and the 30th anniversary of the UdSU international affairs.

The conference was held by UdSU International and Public Relations Office and UdSU Institute of Language and Literature.

The aim of the conference was to underline similarities and differences of international education strategies in Russia and abroad; to highlight some tendencies of international education development in near-term prospects; to discuss modern teaching methods; to generalize promising areas of foreign languages teaching for professional purposes.

Plenary session was held on October 28. Greeting speeches were given by UdSU Vice-rector for Research and Strategic Development Alexander M. Makarov, Director of the Institute of Language and Literature Nadezhda V. Kotova, Head of the Professional Foreign Languages Department of Institute of Language and Literature Raisa G. Shishkina, Rector of University of Granada (Granada, Spain) Pilar Aranda Ramirez, Vice-rector for internationalization Dorothy Kelly. Plenary reports were given by Head of UdSU International Affairs Office Maria I. Beznosova, Vice-Principal for international relations of UdSU Institute of Language and Literature Irina A. Votyakova, Head of Faculty of Theory and Practice of Translation Enrique Quero Gervilla, Head of Department of Slavic Philology Simon Suarez Quadros, Professor of Bradwell School (Milton Keynes, UK) Ann Stannard.

On October, 29 the conference continued its work in the form of sectional sessions with participation of representatives of the USA, UK, Germany, Finland, and Hungary universities and schools.

In conclusion, participants highlighted the necessity of continuing partnership of this form and regular experience exchange by launching co-projects, publications, workshops, and teaching seminars.

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