
X IzhMUN is on!

The X Izhevsk Model of UN began on November 26, and it will work until November 29.

The participants of the event are students of the Institute of History and Sociology.

For four days of the event students become political representatives of the UN countries, discussing solutions of global issues. When their entry submission is examined, they get a name of the country they are to represent.

Participants have to change completely – they have to know the history and politics of a country they represent, so that they could express and defend opinion of the country on the issue being discussed. This is how this type of role plays reaches the purpose of it – helping students to try on different political modes of different countries, to learn how to work out a successful political strategy.

This year in the framework of X IzhMUN four bodies will be represented: Security Council, General Assembly, UNESCO, and Council for Human Rights.

We wish the participants a lot of luck in solving global issues!

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