
XLVIII Students Scientific Conference update

XLVIII Students Scientific Conference update

Once again the Udmurt State University is encouraging its student community to engage in research through one of its signature events – the Student Scientific Conference held for the 48th time this year.

On April 23 and 24 the conference agenda featured two panels organized by the Department of Political Science, International Relations and World History: ‘Modern Foreign History and Politics’ and ‘International Relations’. The event went online on the Zoom platform which made possible the participation of the students who are abroad at the moment doing exchange programmes at UdSU partner universities.

28 students took part in the first panel who presented 8 reports. The first place went to Evgenia Sablina, the 4th year student majoring in International Relations for her research into German Alternative party and the reasons of its popularity. Evgenia’s scientific advisor is associate professor V. Pushkareva.

On the second day there were 30 young researchers with 9 contributions. Anastasiia Stivens, the 3rd year bachelor student doing the International relations programme brilliantly defended her research into “Historical Issues in the Relations between Japan and the Korean Republic” and was awarded the first prize. Her work was supervised by the associate professor A. Kolzina.

Although the presenters are making their first steps into the world of science, all reports were truly genuine. They aroused many questions, quite heated discussion, active exchange of opinions and comments on both students and faculty’s side.

The hosts of the panels, i.e. the teaching staff of the Department including V. Zolotykh (the Dept. Head), M, Beznosova, A. Kolzina, N. Muzlova and V. Pushkareva, received appreciation for excellent organization and strong technical support of the conference.

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