
Congratulations of the UdSU Rector on the Higher School Teacher’s Day

Congratulations of the UdSU Rector on the Higher School Teacher’s Day

The UdSU rector, Professor Galina Merzlyakova extends her congratulations on the Higher School Teacher’s Day:

«In Russia, since 2021, the Higher School Teacher’s Day is celebrated on November 19. The corresponding decree was signed by the Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Valery Falkov. It was decided to celebrate the holiday on the birthday of the outstanding Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov.

The purpose of the holiday is to emphasize the value and relevance of university teachers' work, their significant role in the education of young people.

A teacher is not only someone who transmits knowledge, he ignites curiosity and directs on the right path to achieving goals. At all times, the highest demands have been placed on the work of a higher education teacher. He has always been a model of high erudition, intelligence, creative thinking. It is the teacher who plays the dominant role in the preparation of the student as a future professional, in the development of his personality. Today, the teacher shares with students the best practices in the field of research and development.

Dear professors, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Higher School Teacher’s Day. I wish you that your ideas always have success, intellectual uplift and creative impulses».


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