
Meeting of students from Uzbekistan with the First Secretary of the Consulate General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kazan

On October 31, 2022 a meeting with Azizbek Razakov, the First Secretary of the Consulate General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kazan with students from Uzbekistan was held at the Educational and Scientific Library of UdSU. International students from Uzbekistan studying at UdSU, ISTU (Izhevsk State Technical University), USAU (Udmurt State Agricultural University) and IGMA (Izhevsk State Medical Academy) participated at the meeting.

Mikhail Kibardin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and External Relations of UdSU, delivered a welcoming speech to foreign students. One of the most important tasks for UdSU is to establish relations between Russia and Uzbekistan and increase the number of students from Uzbekistan studying at UdSU, he noted.

"We have more than 160 students from Uzbekistan. We are always open to feedback and interested in giving you a quality education and the opportunity to fulfill yourself, so you can put this knowledge into practice in your homeland".

Azizbek Khayitovich Razakov gave significant guidance to the students during the meeting.

"You came to Russia to study. You have to show your positive sides with your education and upbringing. With every your action remember that your family is behind you and proud of you. You are studying in Russia, that’s why you have authority in your surroundings. Be vigilant and remember that you have come to receive knowledge!"

Azizbek Razakov noted that the students are very lucky to choose Russia to receive higher education, and urged them to take full advantage of this opportunity for themselves and their families!

At the meeting UdSU students from Uzbekistan presented their Association of Students called Ziyo (“Mind”). The association aims to help students from Uzbekistan with efficient cultural and academic adaptation.


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