
Students of partner universities from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus joined the International Week of Multilingualism of UdSU

On February 28, 2023, within the framework of the XIV scientific and educational forum "International Week of Multilingualism at Udmurt State University", an introductory lecture "Audiovisual translation" was held. The lecture was delivered by Olga Kuzyaeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Translation and Applied Linguistics (English and German) of the Institute of Language and Literature of UdSU.

Udmurt State University is one of the few universities in Russia where students can learn the basics of audiovisual translation as part of a bachelor's degree program ("Linguistics. Translation and Translation Studies"), and master's degrees ("Linguistics. Comparative study of languages and cultures in translation communication"). The lecture introduced the audience to the peculiarities of the translation of audiovisual texts (films, television series, etc.). The audience was presented illustrative examples of difficulties faced by a translator performing voice-over translation, dubbing or subtitling, and also learned about effective ways to solve translation problems.

The lecture was attended by undergraduate students of the Institute of Language and Literature. In addition, the online broadcast of the lecture was attended by teachers and students from foreign universities who are academic partners of UdSU: Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages (Republic of Uzbekistan), Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin (Republic of Belarus), West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University (Republic of Kazakhstan). The lecture audience was about 100 people.

The event received a lot of positive feedback. The Institute of Language and Literature invites students of UdSU and foreign partner universities to take part in the events of the annual International Week of Multilingualism next year!

Students of partner universities from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus joined the International Week of Multilingualism of UdSU 1 Students of partner universities from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus joined the International Week of Multilingualism of UdSU 2


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