

Second life of PRO Archeology project

Throughout April the researchers of the Department of Udmurt History, Anthropology and Ethnology are organizing a series of events in order to disseminate anthropological knowledge, showcase the results of students and faculty's field work, demonstrate the latest achievements in the area of cultural anthropology.

UdSU Academic Library invites to Biblionight-2020!

Every spring the UdSU Academic Library opens its doors to those who would like to join the all-Russian 'Biblionight' event held with the purpose to engage more and more people in reading. The year of 2020 is no exception: despite quite unusual circumstances the Biblionight wil be held on April 24.

The 'silver lining' of the lock-down

This week the Institute of Social Communication has held the distnace defence of the Graduation Theses for the first time in its history.

'UdSU watchers' are on guard

A series of 'Live Broadcasts' has been launched by UdSU university admintsration necessitated by the current situation with COVID-19 breakdown, transfer to the distance-learning and the resulting numerous questions from student society.

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