

A garden carried in the pocket

Today, on April 23, the world celebrates the International Book Day. Take our warm greetings and celebrate with us by joining the annual All-Russian movement “Biblionoch” (Library NIght).

Fighting back COVID challenges: stronger together

April 19-20 UdSU is receiving the delegation of the Kazan Federal University consisting of the representatives of the Faculty of Pre-University Training for KFU International Students: Dariia Ivanova, the Chair of the Russian Department, Elena Shimkovich, the Chair of the General Disciplines Department. The delegation also includes two KFU international students: Aslam Hannan (India) and El-Bayum Mohand El-Saeed Ibrahim (Egypt).

‘A silver lining” of pandemic

They say that every cloud has a silver lining. COVID-19 outbreak is a cloud which has brought about many challenges, to say the least. But not without a silver lining at that. In the educational field, this lining took a shape of a giant leap in the development and application of distance learning technologies.

April 12th: ‘Off we go!’

60 years ago man flew to space for the first time in human history. Russian cosmonaut Yurii Gagarin orbited the Earth in Vostok-1 spaceship. Without any doubt, this flight was an act of heroism for a single man and a great breakthrough for the whole mankind.

UdSU delegation in Uzbekistan: day 2

On April 6th our delegation visiting the Uzbek Republic within the business mission of the Udmurt Republic took part in two important events.

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июнь 2024 Calendar
